Thursday, May 24, 2012

And not on a such a different note... Gervasio Sánchez's photography

This is my personal recommendation of a photography exhibit currently shown at La Tabacalera, in Embajadores street in Madrid, until June 10th: Gervasio Sánchez was awarded with the Ortega y Gasset Photography prize for his work on lands and peoples who have been suffering war, poverty and violence for decades: Cambodia, the Balkans, Sierra Leona, Liberia, El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, etc...
Let me warn you that this is not a compilation of pictures that is going to put a smile on your face, unlike the previous post. But life is about joy, and pain too, don't you think? One of the objectives of Gervasio Sánchez's photography, anyway, is to reflect  the dignity of war victims when reclaiming their right to regain happiness.

And this is his speech when receiving the Ortega y Gasset Award, censored, by the way. It's in Spanish, so don't feel obliged to see it if you don't feel like it.

Impossible Photography

Road workers' coffee break

Last week we could all enjoy Erik Johansson's impossible images in class. His work sparked a debate on the everchanging nature of digital photography, its new methods, goals, and perspectives. Here I upload the set of pictures we saw, and the video with the author explaining how he understands photography. And remember, as he simply puts it, that "the only thing that limits us is our imagination"!

And now you might want to listen to his talk again. I really believe it's a nice presentation, since he does manage to get his ideas on photography nicely across.
Note: Remember to click on English at the bottom if you wanna have subtitles.

And finally, click on the link below to view the